About WEF Retreat-Monterrey, 2020

WEF Retreat – Monterrey, MAY 7, 2020,

WOMEN ECONOMIC FORUM RETREAT, is the regional event, between each WOMEN ECONOMIC FORUM MEXICO, that will bring together the most important personalities of the area to trigger what was once a dream.

The event will offer multiple enrichment options through the exercise of sharing experiences and best practices among executives, entrepreneurs, opinion leaders and public servants.

WEF Retreat – Monterrey, MAY 7, 2020

Women Economic Forum Retreat – Monterrey will be held in the Industrial Club, Mexico on May 7,2020 on the Theme #DreamsInAction : Wellness, The New Luxury.

WOMEN ECONOMIC FORUM RETREAT, is the regional event, between each WOMEN ECONOMIC FORUM MEXICO, that will bring together the most important personalities of the area to trigger what was once a dream. The event will offer multiple enrichment options through the exercise of sharing experiences and best practices among executives, entrepreneurs, opinion leaders and public servants


1. # InAction Leadership: connecting leaders
2. # Economy InAction: connecting well-being
3. # Education InAction: connecting knowledge
4. # Politics InAction: connecting opportunities
5. # Culture InAction: connecting talent
6. # Society InAction: connecting citizens
7. # InAction company: connecting resources
8. # InAction sport: connecting skills