Pilar Rattan

Pilar Rattan

CEO, 9 Alliance


Evolved the concept of ILC -International Law Consultants -as a legal firm, I came across the vision of Global Business Consulting which led me to 9Alliance®. For more than 20 years I have learned from people and entrepreneurs who know their business and industry what has led me to reach the ability to find efficient solutions to various problems related to the structuring of business and international investments, foreign trade and exchange rate regime.
As well as the opportunity to know and live business cultures different from ours. Today my biggest expertise is the global integration of this knowledge towards business success and the solution of the legal and commercial problems that are generated in this field.
9Alliance’s experience motivated me to experiment in industries other than consulting, Avu’s company (food), feelenials (iT), @EkAsha YouTube blogging, social work through mentoring for entrepreneurs and Fundación SomosPileros.