Liz Quispe

Liz Quispe



Founder and CEO of Huarmis (consulting company with purpose in Peru and Latin America). MBA in Business Administration from ESAN University with a mention in Supply Chain Management. Specialization in Internationalization Strategies ESADE-Spain. Studies of Womens Executive Leadership Program in INCAE-USA, Women Entrepreneurship Program INCAE USA and Women CEO Program of CENTRUM. Consultant and International Adviser in empowerment and entrepreneurship for women, for private companies, public entities, and non-governmental organizations.
She served as Professor and General Coordinator of the Training and Consulting Programs of the Economic Development Institute-ESAN and founded ESAN Mujeres de Éxito. She was a Qualifying Jury in the National Competition, Entrepreneur Woman 2017. She graduated as Officer Alferez in the second promotion of female pilots of the Peruvian Air Force.
He has experience in the management and development of high performance teams, effective networking development, strategic alliances and results management. Experience in the formulation and execution of projects, consultancies and training programs for the strengthening of entrepreneurs under the methodology of the ILO and their respective development of business plans. She worked with important entities such as Sierra and Seva Exportadora, Agroideas, Agrorural, Agrobanco, rural associations, among others, in management and rural development programs for Peruvian women. He designed and developed the National Happiness Management program at ESAN-Peru. Realizes a great social work, through the formulation and development of free training programs for low-income women in Peru. She works very committed to the personal, business empowerment and leadership of women, from a positive perspective, with possibilities, opportunities and management of happiness.