Mandy Sanghera


Mandy Sanghera

International Human Rights Activist

United Kingdom

Mandy is an international human rights activist who has spent the last 26 years supporting victims and survivors of ‘honour’ based Violence, cultural Abuse, FGM. She is an international motivational speaker who has spent years supporting and empowering others find their purpose and rebuild their lives after abuse. Mandy is currently working with the European Parliament with regards to forced marriages. The report and research a final report (based on the information from the 28 EU Member States and the selected associated countries (Switzerland, Norway, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania and Turkey). She has delivered training to the CPS , police, local authorities , and other organisations around safeguarding , cultural competency , and the ideology of cultural practices. She has published articles in academic papers and international magazines on learning disabilities and forced marriages. Mandy is currently working with 4 universities in the UK.