Lunch Roundtable

  1. Rethinking small scale- manufacturing New discoveries and new technologies like 3-D printing are completely changing the way manufacturing will be done in the future.
  2. Surviving against all odds: what’s it like living a life of abuse and still smiling through it? How to survive and thrive after going through the turmoil?
  3. Clinical beauty treatments: how safe are they in the long-term? Cosmetic surgery is a new trend that has been pampering the ladies with amazing results and you will see changes in your skin quickly, but are they actually safe for longer run?
  4. Inclusive Growth: A necessity in the Digital Age. How can the many sections of our diverse global populace benefit from the digital opportunities?
  5. Understanding Racism: Can mindsets be changed? Racism has fostered inequality and discrimination for centuries as well as influencing how we relate to other human beings.
  6. Why are hospitality, kindness and generosity waning from our daily experiences? How can we revive their uplifting force in our lives, amidst the challenges of our modern times?
  7. Socially responsible advertising – is it possible? And what can be done to make advertising emerge as a force in moulding mindsets.
  8. Do Women Make Better Parents? The mother is the primary caretaker. But it needs more to be a parent. Are women naturally better at it?
  9. Househusbands: will they stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Housewives? The number of men living as househusbands while their wives go to work has grown in the last two decades. This interesting trend continues to surge and will result in a big change in the societal ways.
  10. Is it possible to defeat the scourge of Tobacco? Tobacco is a multi-billion dollar business. Can we ever take steps against it in the interest of public health?
  11. Inter-faith respect and tolerance: is it mere lip service? In today’s world of multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious communities, while religious respect and regard is advocated, is it pursued with integrity?
  12. The Diasporic Family Communicating and connecting a world of high mobility
  13. Parenting: what’s going wrong and how to set it right ? Smaller families and busier lives are throwing up new challenges for parents.
  14. How Branding influences the purchase decision of the consumer and why it is crucial for every entrepreneur at all times.
  15. Are protest rallies necessary to get justice?
  16. The Obvious Truth – Simple Tools for Creating and Maintaining the Mindset of an Empowered Woman
  17. Conversion or Anti- Conversion Laws: What do you think? Is it true that conversion laws are not for the convenience of the people, instead they are for the convenience of vested interests of religious and political groups?
  18. Thinking Beyond The Possible: Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence and the African Philosophy of Ubuntu”
  19. Is having children the only way to experience and express ‘motherhood’? Motherhood is sacred. Emotional responses are important rather than the experience of becoming a ‘mother’.
  20. “Chakra??? and “Karma??? Management We are eternal souls travelling through many lives to fulfil our “Karma??? and a definite soul plan.
  21. Creating the Winning Recipe for Success! The imperatives today : To create and manage your personal brand, and be able to multi task and effectively manage time. A good understanding of personality types aids interpersonal communication and rapport building. A good blend of these aspects can empower you to hit the bull’s-eye and crack success with ease and perfection!
  22. Social Entrepreneurship: Fact or Farce? It seems to be the new buzzword that promises the best of all to both society and industry. But is it as magical as it sounds?
  23. Is the age of ‘independent’ news over? Media is getting redefined in the wake of the competition with social media, mingling with businesses, and the influence of political agendas.
  24. Discovering Morcco – The October Retreat
  25. Maternal Health – Perspectives and Challenges
  26. Auction based business model: How do they work This session will explore the exciting world of auction that has been around the ages.
  27. Youth Leadership for a new world: Promise of Change or Challenge? Our times have seen youth energy emerge in the best of places and in the worst of places. Which force seems to be gaining greater ground and what needs to be done?
  28. Personal Branding: The way and how of it Personal branding has become an essential part of entrepreneurship. Your brand affects the reputation of your business as much as it does your professional career
  29. How far can freedom of expression go in dealing with issues of religious sensitivity?
  30. What should your company get paid for? Understanding new business models in a changing world. Especially in our times when definitions are changing and boundaries are blurring, business
    thinkers need to ever more strategically craft new models to make their money.