Luminesse Divina Lee


Luminesse Divina Lee

Singer & Lyricist


“My first word was a melody”

She is a well known singer/ lyricist performer based in Santa Barbara, CA. Her music brings Joy, Freedom, Truth and Hope to all!

“My parents Yolie & Roy created a home where I felt safe to sing my heart out. There I sang songs by alicia keys and stevie wonder at the top of my lungs!

But as soon as i stepped out that door I did my best to not draw ANY attention to myself. As the middle child of 5, I grew up incredibly shy!
I bloomed into who I am today when I found that my music was a gift of freedom that i could give away for free!!”

“It bring me great JOY to say that I am finally living up to my Hawaiian name by giving my heart freedom to sing”

The songs cause the blossoming revealing a beautiful flower.