Luisa Sousa

Luísa Sousa

Certified Law, Attraction Life Coach


Certified LOA Life Coach – Awakening Consciousness- Self- development Women over 50
Chair Person ALL (All Ladies League) Estoril / Lisbon. Member of the Philanthropic Association “Frente Solidária” – Education and Science area.
Volunteer Teacher at the Senior Academy of the Red Cross Portugal.
Previously, Facilitator of adult literacy through the method of Paulo Freire.

Entrepreneur for more than 20 years in Health and Real Estate field. Operational Manager at Rural Tourism in Alentejo (South of Portugal)
Living my Life Purpose by helping women Awakening Consciousness and reconnect them with their inner power.

LOA Life Coach Certified. Personal Development for Women over 50.
Ambassador to Peace for the Women’s Federation for World Peace. Chair Person ALL, Estoril (All Ladies League). Member of the Association “Frente Solidária” area of Education and Science.