Dr. Desiree Saddik

Desiree Saddik

Dr. Desiree Saddik

Child Psychologists

United Kingdom(UK)

Dr Desiree Saddik is a Consultant Lead Child Adolescent and Family Clinical Psychologist by profession. She currently co-leads the largest service of child psychologists in the U.K. Her private practice in Harley street specialises in helping asylum seekers and children who have fallen into the hands of the court via the preparation of expert witness reports. She has 8 tertiary degrees and qualifications that include psychoanalytic psychotherapy qualifications, and a doctorate in narrative studies and clinical psychology. She has over 30 years of experience in psychology and psychoanalysis and works predominantly with women and children. Her passions include classical ballet, film, photography and psychoanalysis. She performs in films and plays, dances- the dying swan and Salome and makes short films.
Desiree is a mother and partner to Prince Zylinski who hosted the first All London Ladies WEF launch in 2016.