Dalia Francheska Marquez Añez

Dalia Francheska Marquez Añez - WEF - BRITISH - COLUMBIA - CANADA - 2017

Dalia Francheska Marquez Añez

Chairwoman , Youth United in Action


Dalia Francheska Marquez Añez is Venezuelan, lawyer specializing in Family Law and inheritance. She is a researcher, her specialist thesis was on the Right to Genetic Identity. Diploma in Public Policies for Democratic Development for the Americas, University Teaching, International Election Observation, Human Rights, Gender Diagnosis for National HIV Responses, Public Policies with a Gender Focus, National and International Protection Mechanisms for Women, Workshop on The Protocol for the Investigation of Femicides. Citizen activist, feminist and human rights defender. President of the NGO Youth United in Action with experience in initiatives and coordination of projects related to the development of public policies for youth with a gender focus. Member of several international youth networks Which stands out as the founder of the Youth Network of the Americas and the Latin American Network for Democratic Development. Focal point of the Ibero-American Women’s Network, Global Youth Ambassador for education and Active Member of the Committee of Women Leaders of the OAS also work in solidarity with the UN MGCY. Highly committed to building a more just and inclusive world