Betty Mutua

Betty Mutua - Annual - WEF - 2018 - New Delhi - India

Betty Mutua

Head Of Training & Gender, VACID Africa Institute


Betty Mutua participate in promoting team spirit in the organization, He has been challenged to nurture, from the humble beginning of a start up to create a national, regional and steadily working to make it a continental and global institution through focused value chain curriculm development that is guided by technology and agripreneurship. Within the time I have led VACID Africa Institute, I have been able to embrace the Knoweldge andEasteries Hub (KnowEatHub) model evolved by the Founder of the institute to become a vehicle for community agroforestry to drive women and youth economic empowerment. I have been able to steer linkages with the Continental CAADP/GIZ ATVET initiative and other government led agribusiness initiatives.